#PDF~ Running on Empty Sleeplessness in American Teens Ebook

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#PDF~ Running on Empty: Sleeplessness in American Teens Ebook

[PDF] Download Running on Empty: Sleeplessness in American Teens Ebook | READ ONLINE

Author : Connie Goldsmith

Publisher : Twenty-First Century Books (Tm)

ISBN : 1728415764

Publication Date : 2021-4-6

Language :

Pages : 112

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    Synopsis : #PDF~ Running on Empty: Sleeplessness in American Teens Ebook

    Young adults need eight to ten hours of sleep each night, yet nearly half fail to get the sleep they need, and nearly a third have fallen asleep in school due to insufficient sleep. So many Americans--both teens and adults--lack quality sleep that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls sleep deprivation a public health epidemic. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to poor performance during the day and impacts stress levels, academic performance, and physical and mental health. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that sleeping difficulties contribute to one-third of auto accidents. And drowsy-driving can lead to fatalities.Author and registered nurse, Connie Goldsmith presents a much needed scientific and informative approach to the topic of sleep, making the case for taking measures to get adequate and quality sleep each night to combat anxiety, depression, and stress. Running on Empty: Sleeplessness in American Teens provides readers with information on the why and tips for the how to sleep well.


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