[PDF EPuB AudioBook Ebook] ADD and the College Student A Guide for High School and College Students with Attention Deficit Disorder { PDF } Ebook

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[PDF,EPuB,AudioBook,Ebook] ADD and the College Student: A Guide for High School and College Students with Attention Deficit Disorder { PDF } Ebook

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Author : Patricia O. Quinn

Publisher : Magination Press

ISBN : 1557986630

Publication Date : 2001-1-1

Language : eng

Pages : 160

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    Synopsis : [PDF,EPuB,AudioBook,Ebook] ADD and the College Student: A Guide for High School and College Students with Attention Deficit Disorder { PDF } Ebook

    A guide for students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). It offers advice on choosing a college, identifying schools with the best services for ADD students, coping with changes in lifestyle, and more. This edition is revised and updated.


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